the last picture

Today I saw…

The little stars we failed to love
have all flown above
growing wings in the clouds
becoming angels in heaven.

Our selfish love killed many hearts
The prideful heart has trampled over
many tender gardens.
Many sweet butterflies died
as nectars turned bitter and sour.

Time flows the same.
The river runs to the sea
and they kiss at the point where they meet.
The lake still enjoys its depth.
The murky pond lives life in perfect –
alone, sitting in the sun, isolated.

My lovely earth still goes around the sun.
The sun still shines so bright.
The little moon never left her side.
The fading lines drawn in its sky
are the years that went by,
the tears she shed and smiles lost in time.

Line by line, she loses her life.
Line by line, she slowly dies.
Until all stars remain are but embers –
traces of memories of its birth.

Today I saw the last sunset on earth.

be with you

Maybe, it is not help you need.
Maybe, it is company.
If it is not, then maybe, warmth;
if it is not, maybe, comfort;
if it is not, maybe, love;
if it is not, maybe, happiness;
if it is still not, maybe, peace;
if they all are not, I’ll keep you company.
Together let’s share your silence,
and when you want to hear
the beauty of life,
I’ll be there to tell you
the way you once told me –
the life you once saw
with your eyes.

the child

He’s a child with a grown man’s heart.
Fun for him is earning money
for food for the stomach is much more important
than the fun of the playgrounds.
He’s going to work, not to school.
He’s bringing with him not books, but a broom
taller than him, and maybe heavier than he weighs,
he drags it with all his weight
along the busy, car-filled streets.
At night, he writes what letters he knows
enough to spell out his precious gift – a name.
He reads slowly the words in the fliers
blindly following his gut, for he is deprived of a teacher.
When the night grows old, he tucks himself on his bed
lays an old pillow he found on the dumpster and his patched blanket.
That night he sleeps in exhaustion not excitement,
for tomorrow is yet another day
to earn a penny for a living.
Yet, amidst the dirt where he lies.
The young child still shines the brightest.
In his dirt-laden world, he still finds hope,
a small place where his dreams grow.
One day, out in the fields he can run like others.
Enjoy the hot sun of summer.
In spring, he will find time to adore the flowers.
When autumn comes, he can start a fire
to keep him warm for the coming winter.


I buried you one summer day.
Right there, I know you are not coming back.
I barely recall the last thing you said
but your image remains vivid in my eyes.
I grieved in your wake until you were laid to rest
while they cry heaps of tears, I bid you farewell.
When years passed, they all moved on
casually dropping by in the memories shared,
I mourned your death a little too late
and remember my longing in my ifs.
The passing light may pull me from mourning
but for those who lost, grieving never ends.
Acceptance never stops someone from wishing
that the person was still by their side.
A casual remembrance of their dreams and wants
of everything they saw when they were alive.
I remember you in every small thing there is, all the things you hate and like.
Ah, if you were here, I’m sure you’d love this and brightly smile.
Just like that, I long for you from time to time.

to the stars

No one has prepared me
for what’s to come to us.
We know that parting is inevitable
but farewell’s never been this difficult.
I’d rather lose you to someone
and set you free than
lose you to the stars
and settle with your memories.

a few lessons

In time you will realize
that contentment is real happiness.
Friendship is not about quantity but quality.
Time is precious but you need not be in a hurry.
Dreams do come true if they are meant to be.
Time flies so live every moment.
Plan for the future but keep your plans open.
Love your flaws and learn from regrets.
Trust in you as much as you trust others.
Love like it’s the last but leave some for yourself.
You don’t need someone to complete you.
You need to complete yourself before needing someone.
All relationships fail because of poor communication.
Promises can be kept, not just broken.
True love is not something you look for.
It is something you pray for.
All is good like how all is evil.
You are a hero and a villain at the same time,
the former is in your story and the latter is in others.
Complaining can help you feel better but it is never the solution.
Fear can make small things impossible.
Courage can make impossible things possible.
Everything happens for a reason, at times the reason is you.
Blaming others is cowardness, owning to your mistake is courage.
Intelligence is not measured by numbers.
We are all geniuses, even if the world begs to differ.
Hard work beats talent when it is lazy.
Success is not only about never quitting but also about constant learning.
Money can buy things that make you happy only if it is your slave and not your master.
A small hut is just as a home as a mansion for a home is not a structure, it is the people who are.
Failure is the mother of success only if you learn from it.
You will only learn if you learn how to listen.
People will always have something to say no matter what you do.
So do what you want, be who you are without making it an excuse to be rude.
The best reply to an insult is a smile.
Silence is not always ‘yes’, at times it means ‘I am tired’.
Decide with a clear mind.
Don’t rush head first, listen also to your heart.
Your head tells you what is right while your heart tells you if it is right.
Don’t give something you’ll regret giving.
The essence of giving is sharing, not yearning for something already given.
Be kind but not gullible.
Be brave but not reckless.
Be smart but not stubborn.
Be proud but not conceited.
What you earn can be taken as quickly as it was given.
Mornings are miracles many have taken for granted.
Lessons are around us if only we are open-minded.
Work hard for your future but don’t be a slave.
Building your career is great but never forget your family – a king is no king without a home.
Having a taste of both worlds means twice as much effort.
Try to live honestly in a world of cheaters.
You don’t always need to be like them to conquer them, instead show them what they can be if they take your hand.
The happiest people on earth can also be saddest.
Suicide is murder in a different form.
He kills his body because they killed his soul.
Death is everyone’s greatest fear at some point.
All agree that it is inevitable.
Life is a blessing but also a curse.
It takes the form of your choice.
Love is immortal for love is God.
He lives in the temple – your heart.

A few of the many.
The list will go on.
I leave a space for you to write
what you have learned.


While people are busy living in the present,
at times I am lost in the future
where the present I know is a distant memory
and the songs I used to hear are fading into thin air,
a place where all that’s important bears a face
yet the voices are lost in the clouds,
the place where I carry their memories,
I venture alone in every bout.
Then I pull myself back to the present
because it made me feel sad.
There I find all alive and well.
It made me even more thankful… and sad.